Welcome to Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudraprayag

Total Land with KVK (in ha) : 13.79

S.N. Item Area (ha)
1 Under Buildings 0.250
2 Under Demonstration Units 0.040
3 Under Crops 2.0
4 Horticulture 8.2
5 Others if any(forest & barren land) 1.9
Total 13.79-1.4=12.39*

* G.O. संख्या 114 / व.ग्रा.वि./उद्यान/398/2003 दिनांक 31.1.2004 के अन्तर्गत 13.79 हैक्टेअर भूमि कृशि विज्ञान केन्द्र की स्थापना हेतु प्रदत्त की गई थी, तदोपरान्त G.O. संख्या 209/ग्टप्.प्ध्14ध्5;3द्धध209@XVI-I/14/5(3)/2014 Dated : 1.5.2014 के अनुपालन में 1.4 hectare land has been transferred to Health department of Uttarakhand.


Weather of Rudraprayag depends upon its varying altitude of 800 to 8000 m above sea level. The temperature remains pleasant to cold for most part of the year. The minimum temperature in summer remains about 15 0C. And but the max. temp. may go above 25 0C. The winters, however are cold with the mercury dipping to the freezing point during nights but jumping to 15 –18 0C in the day. The average annual precipitation hovers around 55-60% specifically in the months of June-September. The humidity generally remains 35-45% although the year but goes up to 70-80% in the monsoon season.